Virtual Cards

Integrate virtual card generation directly into your purchase request approval flow, simplifying your payment process while maintaining full control over spending.
  • Automatically generate virtual cards for dedicated expenses
  • Keep payments under control with advanced settings
  • Pay seamlessly all over the world
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virtual cards

Virtual Cards Approval Workflows

Integrate virtual card issuance directly into your approval process, making the payment process a breeze for your employees while keeping everything under control
virtual cards approval workflow

Advanced Control Settings

Set detailed control parameters on each virtual card to manage spending limits, usage days, expiration dates, and all security settings you can think of.
advanced control settings

Pay all Vendors, Anywhere in the World

Our virtual cards are accepted globally, allowing you to pay all your vendors in any currency.
pay vendors multilingual

Automatic Payment and Receipt Matching

Effortlessly match payments with receipts, keeping your financial records accurate and up-to-date.
automatic payment